i was born in 74 year of the tiger. it was not an easy birth but one were i died once then was reborn.
Current Residence: Los Angeles
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXXXL
Favourite genre of music: all
Favourite photographer: you
Favourite style of art: Not sure
Operating System: Vista 64bit
MP3 player of choice: Ipod video 80 gig
Shell of choice: none
Wallpaper of choice: what ever i like that month
Skin of choice: none
Favourite cartoon character: esurance girl
Personal Quote: If not today then when
Thank you for watching my page hope you found something you like!
I'm very appriciated for the badge >.< hope you have a good day :D
you have a great day as well
Thank you so very muchly for faving 😸
Thank you so, so incredibly much for the watch oi! That means the world to me! Have a wonderful New Year!