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This is a text about the UTAU fandom.. and basically how to get famous with UTAU.
I'm writing this because I'm tired of people neglecting VERY good UTAUs just because they don't have the greatest art in the world.
I'm also writing this because I think we need to pay attention to all the UTAU users, and not just the ones who happen to draw well. When you see someone struggling with UTAU, don't just walk away because of their artwork - be nice and help them. We're a big family here!
So lately there's been a lot of new UTAUs popping up, and I can't not notice that people have been popping up as "new, famous" users as well. The problem for me is.. the UTAUs with the greatest artwork become famous, whilst the UTAUs with "regular" art or art that "does not look as good" are being neglected! I really don't think that's fair.
If we all start out with our UTAUs, some piece of artwork and then a song which we upload to YouTube, then why aren't we all famous? A lot of people like UTAUs because of their art - not the actual voices. If you upload a video with a "crappy" UTAU and have great art, people will come to you sooner or later to help you with your oto.ini, recordings etc. They'll do all the work for you, basically - are you with me so far? .n.
If you do NOT have great art, people will see your UTAU as "one in the massive group that is n00b UTAUs". You probably will have to do all the work yourself, and if you don't get some great art soon your UTAU won't get noticed until you do!
It's a beauty contest and I'm kind of sick of it.. I mean, UTAU IS about voices, NOT art! We should all try to help other UTAU creators equally. I've helped a lot of people this past time because of this, and I have to say it's nice to see the result! :3
So if we want to have a big happy overseas UTAU family, let's all pitch in and help the n00bs, wether their art is awesome or not. Artwork does not make one's UTAU awesome, remember that and help other people. Explain what an oto.ini is, give them advice and feedback - we were all n00bs and you all know that it'd be great if someone could just stand up and help us for a bit :3
My point is, don't neglect UTAUs just because of how they look or how they're drawn. And don't help people just because of their art either. If you feel like helping someone you should do it, but if you're just doing it for you 15sek of fame, then don't bother. We'll end up with yet another UTAU everyone admires and supports for no good reason other than the artwork!!
I think everyone should pay attention to this. We can't just neglect others because they don't draw BISHIESHOJODESU-great, right? Everyone has a good chance in our community and we have to give it to all of them o3o Don't judge the book by it's cover, eh? ^^
NOTE: I'm not writing this from my own perspective, it's just what I've seen all too often. The "neglecting" has never happened to me, on the contrary I was the one everyone wanted to help, and it irritates me. And someone pointed out "why don't you help people out then HM, since you complain about it? >:U", listen closely - I help people whenever I can. I draw art for people a lot, and I promote other people's UTAUs a LOT through a lot of means if I think they really deserve it. My point here is, don't complain about me or accuse me of anything, since you don't know me you look kind of dumb :/
I'm writing this because I'm tired of people neglecting VERY good UTAUs just because they don't have the greatest art in the world.
I'm also writing this because I think we need to pay attention to all the UTAU users, and not just the ones who happen to draw well. When you see someone struggling with UTAU, don't just walk away because of their artwork - be nice and help them. We're a big family here!
So lately there's been a lot of new UTAUs popping up, and I can't not notice that people have been popping up as "new, famous" users as well. The problem for me is.. the UTAUs with the greatest artwork become famous, whilst the UTAUs with "regular" art or art that "does not look as good" are being neglected! I really don't think that's fair.
If we all start out with our UTAUs, some piece of artwork and then a song which we upload to YouTube, then why aren't we all famous? A lot of people like UTAUs because of their art - not the actual voices. If you upload a video with a "crappy" UTAU and have great art, people will come to you sooner or later to help you with your oto.ini, recordings etc. They'll do all the work for you, basically - are you with me so far? .n.
If you do NOT have great art, people will see your UTAU as "one in the massive group that is n00b UTAUs". You probably will have to do all the work yourself, and if you don't get some great art soon your UTAU won't get noticed until you do!
It's a beauty contest and I'm kind of sick of it.. I mean, UTAU IS about voices, NOT art! We should all try to help other UTAU creators equally. I've helped a lot of people this past time because of this, and I have to say it's nice to see the result! :3
So if we want to have a big happy overseas UTAU family, let's all pitch in and help the n00bs, wether their art is awesome or not. Artwork does not make one's UTAU awesome, remember that and help other people. Explain what an oto.ini is, give them advice and feedback - we were all n00bs and you all know that it'd be great if someone could just stand up and help us for a bit :3
My point is, don't neglect UTAUs just because of how they look or how they're drawn. And don't help people just because of their art either. If you feel like helping someone you should do it, but if you're just doing it for you 15sek of fame, then don't bother. We'll end up with yet another UTAU everyone admires and supports for no good reason other than the artwork!!
I think everyone should pay attention to this. We can't just neglect others because they don't draw BISHIESHOJODESU-great, right? Everyone has a good chance in our community and we have to give it to all of them o3o Don't judge the book by it's cover, eh? ^^
NOTE: I'm not writing this from my own perspective, it's just what I've seen all too often. The "neglecting" has never happened to me, on the contrary I was the one everyone wanted to help, and it irritates me. And someone pointed out "why don't you help people out then HM, since you complain about it? >:U", listen closely - I help people whenever I can. I draw art for people a lot, and I promote other people's UTAUs a LOT through a lot of means if I think they really deserve it. My point here is, don't complain about me or accuse me of anything, since you don't know me you look kind of dumb :/
Tips for easy UTAU Tuning
Hiya guys, Miko here, and today I wantd to share a few quick and easy tips on how to humanize an UTAU's voice.
Note that some UTAU voice banks have a lower quality due to the way in which they were recorded - this can range from a cheaper microphone, to a lack of knowledge how to properly record ones voice.
Often times people will also record a voice bank in a certain pitch that isn't natural to their own voice, which will result in an UTAU sounding like it's throat is being constantly choked.
For the best result, you should keep your UTAU's voice as close to your natural voice as posible, since the pitch and depth of your vocal range will...
Romaji Reclist for UTAU
a i u e o
ka ki ku ke ko
sa shi su se so
ta chi tsu te to
na ni nu ne no
ha hi fu he ho hu
ma mi mu me mo
ya yu yo
ra ri ru re ro
wa wo
nga gi gu ge go
za ji zu ze zo
da de do
ba bi bu be bopa pi pu pe pokya kyu kyo
sha shu sho
cha chu cho
nya nyu nyo
hya hyu hyo
mya myu myo
rya ryu ryogya gyu gyo
ja ju jo
bya byu byopya pyu pyoye kye she che nye mye rye
gye jye bye pyewa2 wi wu we wo2
kwa kwi kwe kwo
swa si swe swo
tsa tsi tse tso
nwa nwi nwe nwo
fa fi fe fo
mwa mwi mwu mwo
rwa rwi rwe rwogwa gwi gwe gwo
zwa zi zwe zwo
bwa bwi bwe bwopwa pwi pwe pwoti
UTAU CV Japanese Reclist
I don't have an UTAUloid of my own, but I know that there are many people out there who want to make their own, and Japanese is one of the easiest to use in, not to mention the original language of, the UTAU software. This list of recordings are for consonant-vowel voicebanks of the Japanese language. Main reclist: あ、い、う、え、お
a, i, u, e, o
ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
kya, kyi, kyu, kye, kyo
ga, gi, gu, ge, go
gya, gyi, gyu, gye, gyo
sa, shi, su, se, so
za, ji, zu, ze, zo
sha, shu, she, ...
I guess it's my kind of rant 
NOTE PLEASE!! if you're going to say anything, say it in a positive way. I really don't mind as long as you don't accuse me of anything (since you don't know me, that wouldn't make any sense at all!) and/or tell me I'm wrong. This is my opinion, you have your own. Let's make friends with our opinions~ -v-

NOTE PLEASE!! if you're going to say anything, say it in a positive way. I really don't mind as long as you don't accuse me of anything (since you don't know me, that wouldn't make any sense at all!) and/or tell me I'm wrong. This is my opinion, you have your own. Let's make friends with our opinions~ -v-
© 2011 - 2025 Purufufuru
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i totally agree with this. It's about the voice. Sure the art gives people and image on how your UTAU sounds like, but we use UTAUs for songs, to showcase their voice!
BTW, if anyone wants me to check out their UTAU YouTube Channel and videos, reply me the link and i'll head on over and listen to your covers! Don't be shy
. If you want to subscribe to my channel or watch my UTAU covers, here is the link:…
Have a great day everyone! All UTAUs should receive love and attention. Keep Striving!

BTW, if anyone wants me to check out their UTAU YouTube Channel and videos, reply me the link and i'll head on over and listen to your covers! Don't be shy

Have a great day everyone! All UTAUs should receive love and attention. Keep Striving!