20 ideas to get your wife to cheat

We like to play with the fantasies about one with no name and no face, even Im sure she have her pictures of what she like. I can only start a fantasy, and she gets immediately soaking wet, but there is a fine fine line about how much I can say, and how fast I can tell a story.

Useally I write down a story, send it to her, she reads it, and later when time is right, we play it out in bed, where it takes me only few words at rhe time, and she is there in her mind. We never come to an end of a story before she comes.

Slowly she will get there in her mind, but do I really want to share her?

All I can say, the person have to appeal to both of us, sexually and visual for her, for me, it is more about how he act, politeness, hygienic, and timing.

She still young, so we have time, and who knows
My wife followed in her mum's footsteps,it was in her DNA to be the perfect wife, absolutely always loyal to the husband. Indeed, her two sisters are the types that are so so prim and proper , both I believe have only slept with their husbands.

My wife's biggest fear was damaging our marriage , no matter how it tried to convince her it wouldn't.
I will never forget the first time, as soon as the guy left our house, my wife came into the spare room where id spent the night, I stood up and she just put her arms around me, buried her face on my neck/shoulders, and wouldn't let go for what was likely 3-4 minutes,we just stood there in silence...
me thinks she liked it too much.
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I have posted something similar before when it was 10 ideas. I've now got 20. I don't share them on a public posting because I like to keep them "trade secrets." But the point of this posting is to get husbands to think a little outside the box. The usual "get a guy to hit on your wife" at a bar is a tough one to pull off. The logistics is tough, putting your wife in a situation where she feels safe and comfortable is a tough one. So i like to create situations that lend itself well for her to get hit on.
would love to know the 20 or the 10 ideas.
Her issue is mostly lack of body confidence, but although I tell her she's still got it, she doesn't see it.
Her she is , pic is about two months old, surely I'm not looking at her through Rose tinted glasses?
Certainly not, she's a very very attractive woman and a quite lovely beautifully natural body.... smoking hot and that's a fact 🤷‍♂️🔥
Most women have fantasies just like men do. Most times all you have to do is let them know that you would love to see them getting fucked, and that this is a common fantasie amongst men. The ideia also excites them, let them grow the temptation, talk about this when you guys are having sex. Ask them who in their dreams they would like to fuck, let them know that you would aprove it. Its easier than you think
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My wife followed in her mum's footsteps,it was in her DNA to be the perfect wife, absolutely always loyal to the husband. Indeed, her two sisters are the types that are so so prim and proper , both I believe have only slept with their husbands.

My wife's biggest fear was damaging our marriage , no matter how it tried to convince her it wouldn't.
I will never forget the first time, as soon as the guy left our house, my wife came into the spare room where id spent the night, I stood up and she just put her arms around me, buried her face on my neck/shoulders, and wouldn't let go for what was likely 3-4 minutes,we just stood there in silence...
How did you convince her?
How did you convince her?
It took many months of convincing her I wasn't after the same freedom, and that it's only sex and wouldn't impact negatively on our strong marriage.
Dont get me wrong, it went down like a lead balloon , but I thought the best approach was to be totally honest with her, keep reminding her if her freedom over a period of time, then step back and let that thought grow in her head.

There was no point in approaching the idea as something I wanted her to do, I had to be patient until it was something she wanted to do.

I honestly thought she'd never be tempted and brave enough to go online and chat to strangers , let alone go all the way with another man.

I think telling her to just chat and have fun with that, telling her there's no pressure to take things further made her comfortable and less pressured .
I convinced her that i was more than happy if she only went as far as chatting, when in reality I was desperately hoping that some guy would talk her into bed, luckily she got to know a guy that did talk her into bed and fucked her 😁
It took many months of convincing her I wasn't after the same freedom, and that it's only sex and wouldn't impact negatively on our strong marriage.
Dont get me wrong, it went down like a lead balloon , but I thought the best approach was to be totally honest with her, keep reminding her if her freedom over a period of time, then step back and let that thought grow in her head.

There was no point in approaching the idea as something I wanted her to do, I had to be patient until it was something she wanted to do.

I honestly thought she'd never be tempted and brave enough to go online and chat to strangers , let alone go all the way with another man.

I think telling her to just chat and have fun with that, telling her there's no pressure to take things further made her comfortable and less pressured .
I convinced her that i was more than happy if she only went as far as chatting, when in reality I was desperately hoping that some guy would talk her into bed, luckily she got to know a guy that did talk her into bed and fucked her 😁
You’re so lucky! Wish I had the guts to just tell her that
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Her issue is mostly lack of body confidence, but although I tell her she's still got it, she doesn't see it.
Her she is , pic is about two months old, surely I'm not looking at her through Rose tinted glasses?
Mine has the same issue. Wish they could see that we love them as they are and there’s lots of men out there would love to fuck them.
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When we (my wife and I) were first dating and later on after marriage, we would go out somewhere, usually shopping, we would play a game we called Strangers. It would go something like if we were in a grocery store and I ventured to another aisle and returned, I'd walk up and say "Hi, come here often?" And many times it would play out a bit. And it was especially fun if there was someone else on the aisle. After a while, this play faded and recently, I did it to her again, but in a night club. There were a few guys nearby and we played it out to a hilt, and left the club.
When we (my wife and I) were first dating and later on after marriage, we would go out somewhere, usually shopping, we would play a game we called Strangers. It would go something like if we were in a grocery store and I ventured to another aisle and returned, I'd walk up and say "Hi, come here often?" And many times it would play out a bit. And it was especially fun if there was someone else on the aisle. After a while, this play faded and recently, I did it to her again, but in a night club. There were a few guys nearby and we played it out to a hilt, and left the club.
Sounds like it could be a lot of role play fun
My wife and I did move on to actually meeting singles. And it began with playing the Strangers game. She got bolder, at first going into night clubs alone and I would show up about ten or fifteen minutes later. She would sit at the bar alone, let guys hit on her, but bought her own drink. When a spot opened up beside her, I stepped in and we started our playing. This went on a few times in a few different clubs or in another city, before I dared her to let a guy take her home, to our place. It turned her on and knowing I was nearby to keep her safe, she went for it.
My wife and I did move on to actually meeting singles. And it began with playing the Strangers game. She got bolder, at first going into night clubs alone and I would show up about ten or fifteen minutes later. She would sit at the bar alone, let guys hit on her, but bought her own drink. When a spot opened up beside her, I stepped in and we started our playing. This went on a few times in a few different clubs or in another city, before I dared her to let a guy take her home, to our place. It turned her on and knowing I was nearby to keep her safe, she went for it.
Everyone is different but it sounds like you found the formula to get her into the sharing mode and maybe even move her on to being a hot wife

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