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Size difference version
Because women are the stronger sex. A thread about women dominating men.
>Bonus for larger females
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, at least one dommy woman in the picture
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama

Previous thread
>>8669502 (OP)
I fucking love this goddess and I wish I could be manhandled like her cute little toy.
Also with sound
R34 >10984802
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>>8669502 (OP)
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Currently compressing another nice Marika video since its too heavy for this shithole
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I love her so much
Sadly this shithole doesn't accept videos with audio, high quality nor long duration so you can check it out here R34 >10642478
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Thank you for making this thread. Size difference femdom is my number one kink, it's so fucking great.
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BTW, kukumomo did a lot more LoZ than what I'm posting
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Really beautiful, anon! Size difference femdom is an amazing kink
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>>8669502 (OP)
I'm not typically into regular straight stuff, and not femdom either, but this video is like one of the best fucking vids I have ever seen. Maybe it's just my personal high heel bias which was incorporated perfectly into the action, but damn, nice
that's all I wanted to say
Oh I agree, the physics of the breasts and jiggle of her fat and the heels are just the best
>>8669502 (OP)
Fantastic stuff. Makes me realize that I like tall, powerful, dominant, warrior type women. But I don't necessarily want to be submissive. I would want a woman that I would wrestle with over being on top. That would seem like heaven to me
Turning the tables is also very fun, I think the competition is what makes it so erotic
I want to be forced to worship a woman's pussy and be mocked as unfit to impregnate her when I release my cum all over the floor!
why the floor specifically? what's the obsession there?
To be deemed not good enough to breed is so hot
that's weird and cuck-adjacent
prune this man
Guh YES! Prune me HARDER!
>>8669502 (OP)
Yeah, I too love straight shota
No. Go create the thread for you.
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>>8669502 (OP)
Any man that wants a woman to control them is a faggot in denial.

But that is why the majority of you get pegged in the ass and let your wife get gangbanged by black men while you wear a cock cage.
why do you have this garbage saved
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Full size picture here
R34 + 9880197
This site needs to increase file size because pics are bigger nowadays
I want to be used by a big MOMMY!
I NEED this!
Is there a counterpart to Fansadox Comics with a focus on femdom?
I know there are Lustomic and Devin Dickie comics, but unfortunately they only focus on sissies and cuckolds.
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I do not believe so but I could be mistaken
What do you think about femdom with psychological abuse, anon?
Nice projection, retard
you''re a bug in a womans world, you just haven't accepted it yet.
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I need to get roughed up by Ambessa.
Same. I want to be her cute little femboy toy, an onahole for Ambessa to use and leave with a sore anus after every round!
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he's not really projecting though
I want a large woman to mess me up!
Cute, but you know she eats twinks for protein.
I'm oddly okay with that.
This is so good. I bet she fucks like a freight train
I want a large woman to peg me and put me in my place!
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I am a sissy cuckboi

I am married to a BBC slut. My wife has 4 Bulls that all know each other. They fuck her one on one usually. But they have gangbanged her a few times during the superbowl nba finals etc.

Whenever they cum in my wifes pussy or ass i always lick their Black jizz. Also they always make fun of men and call me a little bitch for letting my wife have a trian on her.

I am also submissive to my wife and women in general
those are his literal fantasies, did you not see the pic he posted. do you see anyone else posting that shit?
Large female is peak
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holy peak
I need a mistress!
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Anyone else likes femdom spitting? I love it, especially when my mistress gf smokes cigarettes right before so her saliva tastes extra nasty.
>>8669502 (OP)
that fucking part at the end where she puts her leg up, pure diamonds
I'm not kinkshaming, you do you, my friend. But nothing turns me off more than spitting.
Based, same anon from /d/ femdom thread?
Sadly not my thing. I dunno why, I love extreme porn like pegging, torture and guro but spitting doesn't do it for me.
Truly an amazing animation. I love how her flesh jingles.
Any good tags for women who are larger than men? size_difference gives me lots of buff guys with petite girls and giantess is more for the giant fetish than large women dominating smaller proportionate men
smaller_male, larger_female, shorter_male, etc. Take your pick. It's not hard.
>smaller_male, larger_female, shorter_male, etc. Take your pick.
Thank you anon, new favorite tags acquired!
>It's not hard.
On the contrary, it got rock hard!
moar like this
Based mega titties
Imagine the feeling of being carried by your big sister and forcefully throated all the way to the balls as she basically sucks you off like a vacuum and forces your cum down her throat over and over
I swear I want to be castrated like that war video and feminized to have my boipussy used by military women!
I want to be mommydommed by a huge muscular woman
We all dream about that, anon
it's great, I highly recommend it
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>We all dream about that, anon
not all of us, no
I want a powerful woman to fucking DESTROY ME!!!
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you and me both
fuck that picture is perfect. such a powerful position when a woman is one leg up on a dude like that, or putting one leg up on his shoulder while she buries his face in her crotch. the leash and collar make it that much better.
I still wonder why "domestic servitude" isn't a real industry that has jobs and employers. the catch being its an industry where you aren't really paid, but given room and board, that way if your in a low spot you dont end up homeless just because you cant get a good enough job. the positions could be contracts, temporary, part time and full time. i'd try to find some elite giga stacy or milf that needs one or more men to work as menial labourers, butlers, or something else on her rich villa in the country side. we live in our small bunk in a building detached from the main. i'm sure there'd be some chick out there hiring a "fwb" type servant that just does whatever she wants sexually whenever she asks, but her requirements would probably be pretty steep.
much of the animal kingdom the female is bigger and if not, still has priority when selecting a mate. those that dont usually still have very equal strength and capabilities between males and females, and the male often has the burden of showing what he's worth. It makes me think this fetish is just a latent, deep lizard brain, amygdala instinct that we some how got infected with or had from a very long time ago.
I want to be like an anglerfish, attaching myself to a bigger and stronger female and joining our genitals together until we essentially become one entity. A mass of flesh pulsating with my only use being a cum pump for her enjoyment like anglerfish!
https://youtu.be/J4LPmjQoc_A?si=_E8D8WtEKpLUs57c [Embed]
blanket octopus is much the same. the male must embed himself into the female, where his 3rd arm breaks off to fertilize some of her eggs. in the case of humans, if we had the same size ratio, it would be like getting shoved inside her vagina, nutting and then suffocating and our corpse either somehow being absorbed or just falling out.
Now that's the stuff. I wonder why there isn't more art of that...or humanoid duck penises
To live as a mindless object of a woman's pleasure would be a dream come true
how would you know? you'd be mindless!
Totally worth it to be consumed by the pleasure of becoming one with a stronger mommy for eternity.
well this went to shit fast
I NEED this!
I want to be used by a stronger female like this!
Why don't you get it?
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I don't care what he wants.
This is what he deserves.
And what do you deserve?
I'm so horny i think I'm going to have a brain aneurism.
really rough anal.
like i want to cry a little bit.
Try masturbating.
I want a domy mommy to teach me my place through my boipussy!
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I love it when the woman is stronger than the man
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I want a girl to BREAK ME!
Please! I can't stand it anymore, I need a dommy mommy so badly!
Guh! Please!
More hot dommy big women
What does that have to do with foot domination
I want a sexy bitch to beat me up!
its fine in parts man... I get it I have AI and other content that is hot but above 4mb.. willing to share but don't want it badly reduce quality
I wonder if she's riding him. Maybe she's just trying to beat him into submission as she rapes him.
I want to be Queen Marika's cute little boytoy!
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>>8669502 (OP)
Is this OK?
Sorta, the dialogue is hot.The tattoo is kinda cringe but you do you.
Any kidnapping/robbery femdom ?
What's the source on this picture? This is art!
I want to worship a large mommy!
That'd be the life!
I want to worship a large mommy!
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