Mom Pt. 01

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The beginning.
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Part 9 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/09/2017
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The weekends were the only times I can get away from my school life. I get to sleep in til 10 and mom makes chocolate chip pancakes when I wake up. I take my time eating them, enjoying my morning.

Afterwards, I would return to my room and play on my game console til lunch. Then mom would go shopping for dinner and I'd tag along. She always sweetens the trip, by buying us frappes afterwards. Sometimes buying me a 2liter soda or a 24oz energy drink.

Like I said, I love the weekends. They are the only days I get away from school life and my bully Chad.

I hate the guy. I hate everything about him. The way he always picks on me, stealing my lunch money, tripping me in P.E. class, embarrassing me in front of girls and talking disgustingly about my mom.

I never told my parents about it. I really don't want them getting involved. But I do think mom knows, or has some inkling that Im getting bullied. But shes waiting til I come to her about it.

Every school day, it's the same thing. I wake up by my mom kissing my cheek and ruffling my hair. I walk over to the bathroom to brush my teeth, shower and get dressed. Then head down the hall to the dining room.

"Morning sport," my Dad Tom would say to me.

"Morning dad," Id say in return.

"Morning sweetie," my mom Selene would say in turn.

She would be preparing breakfast and brewing coffee.

"Good morning to you too mom." Id say back to her.

Dad would be reading the newspaper as mom brings the breakfast to the table. He would then place it down on the table.

"More of the same," he'd say as mom poured him a cup of hot coffee.

"I know hun," she would say.

"It's just another perfect day," shell say afterwards.

"You know it," he would say with a little smirk.

Then she'd hand out our breakfast. The aroma fills my nostrils and I start to drool. She gives dad his breakfast, before giving me mine.

For me, its a cheesy egg and ham omelette with a slice of fresh fruit and a glass of just delivered milk. Dad would have bacon and toast. Something light for him.

"Thanks for the breakfast dear," He kisses mom and gets up.

He then grabs his hat and coat, then heads off to work. Dad works as a sales representative for a major corporation. Sometimes leaving home for days at a time to travel to other parts of the state. Mom's used to it. He always calls her every night on the road.

Mom then clears the table as I finish eating.

"You better get ready too sweetie," mom would remind me.

Mom drives me to school, as there is no active bus stop in our area. Ever since that hijacking a few weeks ago, she's been taking it on herself to take me. Not that I'm complaining about it mind you. I get driven to school by my bombshell of a mother. So its something I gloat about in my head.

Let me tell you about her. Mom's name is Selene Cooper. Shes 42 years old. Has dark brown hair always tied up in a loose ponytail. Fair peach colored skin, cantaloupe sized breasts, big beautiful green eyes, a hourglass figure and a face of an angel.

Shes also a bit taller than me. With her being 5"7 and me being 5"6. Pretty average height for a guy my age.

I get my smarts from her and my looks from dad.

They met their freshman year of high school and became friends. When senior year came, they made it official and started dating. Her parents loved him and practically thought of him as their own son.

After senior year, they got married and moved in together. Dad went to college while mom took to the role of housewife.

Eventually, he landed a job at a major corporation and became its top sales representative.

Then they bought a nice house in a beautiful neighborhood. It literally had a white picket fence and a garden in back. Then nine months later, I was born.

Oh that's right, I never introduced myself. My name is Robert Cooper. Im 18 years old and currently a senior. I like playing video games, reading, playing chess and being organized. You might call me a weird, it doesn't bother me at all.

Im not really that attractive at all, cant get a girlfriend or when get a girl to like me. It makes it more harder when Chad is always picking on me.

I don't know why he does, he used to be friendly with me up until freshman year.

Let me tell you about him. His name is Chad Parker. He is two inches taller than me (5'8) and is on the football team. He also wears this stupid wrist band around his left wrist. Dont know why though. Maybe cause he thinks it's cool?

He drives his own car to school too. A gift from his wealthy middle class parents. He also throws parties every other weekend. That's how much his parents trust him. My mom is overprotective of me and is too cautious with me getting my own car.

Anyways we get into the car and mom pulls out of the driveway. Then drives down the street to the highway. We chatted as she drove me to school. She even pulls in front of the entrance.

"Have a good day at school today sweetie," she'd say warmly to me.

Then she'd kiss my forehead and ruffle my hair. I would then get out and wave as she drove out to the school parking lot.

"So that's your mom fucktard?" said a on ominous voice behind me, "What a hot piece of ass."

I turned to face him. Chad stood behind me with a cigarette in his right hand. He blows a cloud of smoke at my face. Which I coughed at and waved away. He chuckles and throws it on the ground.

"Maybe Ill introduce myself to her after school and get to know her on a first name basis," he said, "if you know what I mean."

He then pokes my ribs before slapping my back hard.

"Oh wait," he said faking shock, "You wouldn't know what I mean. You never had pussy before. to be you."

He laughs at his own joke as he heads inside the school.

"Fucking asshole," I muttered under my breath, "Just because he had three girls who had sex with him, he thinks he is god's gift to women?"

Mom always told me to walk away from conflicts and use my head instead of my fists. I could probably hold my own against him and probably win too. But something tells me not too. So I ignore him. The rest of the school day was uneventful.

Chad didn't try to steal my lunch money today. Which was a relief to me. As I finally get to eat lunch finally and enjoy it in peace.

After lunch, we had english and like always, I'm paired with Chad. Im left with all the work, while he goofs off. What makes it worse, is having to do this as homework.

As I waited for my mom to pick me up after school, here comes Chad.

"You gotta help me ace this test," he said, "no scratch that-you ARE gonna help me ace this."

"Why should I?" I retaliated, "you always leave me with all the work."

He then was about to hit me, when my mom pulled up. He then straightens up my collar and smiles.

"Maybe I should come over to your house," he said, "itll force you to do it for me!"

Mom rolls down her window and looks Chad up and down. Smiling politely.

"Who is this Robert?" mom asked.

I tried to get into the car, but Chad leaned in and blocked my attempts to get in the car.

"Chad Parker madame," he said with fake hospitality, "friends with your son here."

He slaps my back again. She looks at me for a moment, as if seeking clarification.

"Yes," I said softly, "Hes my friend."

Her eyes beaned with pride. To think she believed his lie-my lie right to her face.

"Well nice to meet you Chad," mom saud happily, "Im Selene Cooper."

"Selene eh?" said Chad, "Nice name for a beautiful woman like yourself."

I heard mom giggle girlishly. Which is something she always does.

"Oh stop you," she said, "But I thank you for saying that. It's sweet."

"Anytime Selene," he said using her first name again.

She caught on to what he said and corrected him.

"Its Mrs. Cooper or Mrs. Selene," mom told him, "Im a married woman and you should respect that."

She showed him her wedding ring cladded right hand. He gave a quick apology and stepped back. It allowed me enough room to get into the backseat. He then leans in again.

"Well you two have a lovely day," his voice was full of malice that I picked up on.

I know I'll hear about it tomorrow from him and I tremble.

"...You too," mom said nervously, "It was great talking to you."

"Maybe I could come over sometime?" Chad asked pushing his welcome, "me and Robert are partnered in some of our classes and he promised to help me."

She looked back at me. Like before, she seeks clarification on my end.

"I...did say that," I mutter out, "He's not doing so well in one of our classes-English."

She looked back at him sympathetically.

"English can be a tricky class," mom said, "youll get the hang of it."

"Still im glad Robert is helping you Chad," she said cheerfully, "You are welcome to come over today and study with him"

My jaw dropped when she said that. First time meeting him and he's already invited to our house? Mom are you completely insane?

Chad looks back at me and smiles.

"Id love that Mrs. Cooper," he said cheerfully.

With her invitation, he got into the front seat. Mom drove the car out of the parking lot and onto the highway towards home. They chatted the whole way to our house. Chad started asking her questions. Which mom happily told.

He found out that her husband works long hours as a traveling sales representative, she's a stay at home mom, that she loves to do yoga, she loves the holidays and that she never cheated on her husband.

Chad couldn't care less, he was mostly excited because she's mostly at home by herself everyday. Which would be perfect for him to have quick hourly visits every week.

She started asking him questions, to make it fair. He told her that he has his license, but his car is in the shop, he's an only child, on the highschool football team and both his parents are employed. His dad works as a Civics engineer and was a combat veteran. His mom was a nurse at a the local clinic.

He then went back to complimenting her appearance and saying how lucky her husband is. Talking about how attractive she is and stunning. Which mom giggled girlishly at.

"Its nice to know I still got it," she said without taking her eyes off the road, "to think a woman at my age being flirted with by a guy my son's age."

He looks back at me and with a big smile said playfully, "Oh Ill do more than flirt with you."

To which she caught on quickly and saud sternly, "Now now...that's enough big boy."

Then they both laughed and talked about other stuff. She asked him more questions, typical mom stuff. Like if he had a girlfriend or if he was thinking about making football a career choice.

"Sadly no girlfriend," he said slowly, "no girl would want a guy like me."

Mom stopped at red light and looked him in the eye. Her face was full of sympathy and concern. She ruffled his hair like she does for me and hugs him sideways.

"You are handsome and attractive in your own way," she said reassuringly, "Just like I tell my son Robert, the right one will come along and you'll know."

"Ill know?"Chad said, "How will I know if she's the right one?"

She continued driving the remainder of the way.

"You'll just...know," mom saud quietly, "Something will click in you when you are around them."

"Take me and my wonderful husband Tom for example," she continued, "we met in our freshman year of high school. We slowly but surely began to fall for each other and by our senior year, we were dating. A year later and we were engaged."

"You'll have butterflies in your stomach, constantly thinking about them and...other stuff," she said as an afterthought.

"I see," Chad agreed, " it weird that I feel like that around you?"

I felt like I wanted to hit him, but I calmed myself. Mom looked taken back by his words.

" literally just met me half an hour ago." she said awkwardly.

"So," Chad said, "you yourself said I'd know when that happens."

"I...did," she said, "but still its just."

"How do you think about it?" asked Chad.

"Honestly?," mom answered, "Its a little weird, but im flattered. And like I said I'm married. I would never disgrace my husband or our marriage."

"Of course," said Chad.

We finally reached home and I was the first one out. Mom and Chad were still talking in the car. She started using her hands and making gestures with them. Its clear she is telling him off on something. Chad is just smiling and looking at her.

Before long, they both got out. Mom's face was red and she walked a few feet away from Chad. Who was staring at her shapely ass. When she unlocked the door, Chad picked her up and carried her through the threshold.

Mom shrieked when he did that and then laughed. If i wasn't there, I bet he'd carry her to the bedroom and shut the door. She asked him to put her down. Which he did. Mom playfully punched his arm and called him silly.

If dad saw that, he'd throw out Chad so fast.

Mom went into the kitchen to prepare dinner afterwards. Leaving Chad and me in the living room. He was staring at her shapely thick ass, totally oblivious to me standing next to him.

"Your mom is just BEGGING for it," Chad said punching my arm.

"It'll NEVER happen Chad, "I said boldly, "mom is not into you at all. Plus she's married and is very faithful."

"Not now it won't," he smiled, "but eventually it WILL happen and there will be nothing you could say or do to stop it."

"What does that mean?" I enquired.

He just pats my back hard again for the third time today. I know I'll have a red mark there tomorrow.

"So let's go to your room and get started on our homework," Chad said loudly.

"Ill bring snacks in later boys!" came mom's voice from the kitchen.

"Thanks Mrs. Cooper!" called Chad.

"Anytime," mom peeked her head from around the corner smiling.

I showed Chad where my room was. He doesn't seem interested in the slightest. Instead, he walks over to mom's room and walks in.

"Nice bed set," said Chad as he pushed down on it, "It'll be great to use once I got your yummy mommy alone with me."

"What are you doing," I hissed, "Mom doesn't like anyone in here."

He then climbs on top and lays on his stomach. Then begins to move his waist up and down.

"Yeah?" he said, "you like my cock don't you Selene. You naughty and filthy mommy."

He then pretends to jerk and moan. Then kisses her pillow pretending its her lips.

"That's what I'll do to her," Chad said turning to face me on her bed, "I bet she'd be worn out afterwards."

Little does Chad know, but my mom and dad have a active sex life. Anyways dad is the one who gets tired afterwards. Mom cant keep her hands off dad in bed, from what I hear weekly at night.

"Well let's go back to your room fucktard," Chad said pushing me out of the way.

As we got into my room, he throws his backpack to me.

"I did say that id make you do it," he smiled wickedly.

He then opens and closes my door. Leaving me alone with my thoughts. Part of me knows he's probably out there flirting with mom again and Im worried. The other part knows mom would never do anything to disgrace her marriage and dad. Chad's just a punk, nothing will happen right?

I push myself to finish his stupid English homework and sighed as I finished it.

Twenty minutes past by and still nothing. I began to get worried. Mom is sure taking a long time with those snacks. I wonder what is taking so long.

I open my door and stepped out. It was so quiet, I could hear the clock on the wall ticking. I began to panic. Mom would normally be humming as she made dinner. I entered the dining room and saw tbe snacks mom made on the table. But where are they.

I went into the living room and they weren't there either.

Maybe mom forgot to go shopping and asked Chad to help her. Yeah that's it. Its not like they're in her room...right?

Just to be sure, I went back down the hall to her bedroom. I placed my hand on the doorknob and found it locked. Maybe mom locked it before she left. They did keep valuables and important documents in dad's safe in there. Maybe that's why.

I went back to my room and started doing my homework. I didn't know what was happening in the next room.

-Mom's room.

"I can't believe Im allowing this," she said whispering, "My son's room is right next to mine!"

"He's too busy studying," he said, "He wont notice what is happening."

"Im married," Selene continued panicking, "I shouldn't be doing this. My husband will..."

Her sentence was cut short by Chad kissing her.

"He won't know," Chad said softly, "unless you want him too."

Chad had his shirt off and was kneeling between her legs. Selene was still in her clothes and looked dumbfounded. He had his hands roaming under her shirt. Her head tilted from side to side. Trying to fight herself from enjoying his touch.

A few seconds later, her bra came out from her shirt. Chad threw it on the floor. Selene still didn't move as he unbuttoned her shirt and began to suck on her nipples.

Her breathing became sharp and raspy. Like she was enjoying it, but also trying to not let him to get the gratification of knowing that.

"You have a pretty nice rack there Mrs. Cooper," Chad said after a while, "What's your size?"

"...32C," Selene said distantly, "Its all natural! Come back here and finish!"

She pushed his head back to her swollen nipples and sighed as he got the message.

She now gave in to his sucking. She then took it off her shirt and placed it on the bed. She was now totally topless, for his viewing pleasure.

He then pushed her down and got on top of her. Her nails dug into his back as he kissed her. She responded back and started moving under him. He then kissed her neck. Slowly down to her heaving breasts and then her flat stomach.

Then he began to unbutton her jeans and push them down. Revealing her satin white and silky panties, that only her husband Tom would see.

"Just...this once," Selene said softly, "Just this once okay?"

He then yanked down her jeans and took them off her. Shes now in just her panties.

Chad then unbuckled his and stepped out of them. His boxers tented out from his erection. He then got on top of her and they kissed.

Chad slowly began to push against her. Which Selene reluctantly allowed by squeezing his ass. She then wrapped her legs around him. Humping him back, breathing in his ear.

"Chad...," mom whimpered, "this feels so good."

"Told you," Chad said without stopping.

"You want more?" he enquired.

"...yes," came mom's reply, "just this once...okay."

He then began to pull his boxers down his ass. Revealing his throbbing 6 inch long thick cock. Mom looked at it before covering her mouth.

"Oh my...Chad," Selene said, "that's bigger than my husband's by far."

He began to push her panties to the side and was about to enter her married fertile pussy.

"But I cant... Chad, I cant f-fuck you." she said stopping him.

He sighs and began to pull them up. She stopped him and yanked them down again.

"But it doesn't mean I want you to put this away," Selene said annoyed, "I can't fuck you, but I can suck you."

She pushed him off her and told him to lay on his back. Which he did. She then slowly removed her panties and stood awkwardly before him. His cock standing stiff like a flag pole.

She then walked over to him and got on top of him. Kissing her way down his torso. Licking his pelvic area, looking at his cock.

"Just this once...," she said again.

Shen then engulfed it in her mouth.

"HOLY SHIT," Chad shot up, "oh fuck that feels good."

He held her hair as she sucked his cock. The room was filled with her sucking sounds and his groans.

She did everything to his cock. Sucked on his tip, while stroking his shaft. Pushing his cock deep into her mouth, as she squeezed his rather egg shaped balls. Sucking on his balls as she tugs at his dick fast. All while looking at him. She was probably trying to get him off quickly.