Silly Songs with Larry KoopaMarioSonic24601 on DeviantArt

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Silly Songs with Larry Koopa



Hello DeviantArt! So if you ever watched Veggie Tales, you'd know the portion "Silly Songs With Larry," AND you would know the iconic Water Buffalo song XD So, as you can see, I referenced that song using the one and only Larry Koopa!

Here's the video that inspired me to draw this:…

And the OG Veggie Tales version:…

I hope everyone is doing well, and it not, remember you are still loved!
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1200x1600px 685.74 KB
© 2018 - 2025 MarioSonic24601
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SuperKoopaBros's avatar

STOP IT!! STOP IT!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! You can't just say EVERYONE has a water buffalo when NOT EVERYONE has a water buffalo!! We're going to get nasty letters saying, "Where's MY water buffalo? Why don't I HAVE a water buffalo?!" And are you prepared to deal with that? I DON'T THINK SO!! SO STOP! BEING! SO! SILLY!!!