- LET HIM SING!! - Pose DL - KitsuneNoKiba on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kitsunenokiba/art/LET-HIM-SING-Pose-DL-1168133433KitsuneNoKiba

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- LET HIM SING!! - Pose DL -


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Crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room.

AHS has now banned me from any concert Kiyoteru is in, I have to wait in the backstage area like a good wife.

Take the pose and have fun.

★ Credits :

★ Hiyama Kiyoteru: Kakomiki

★ Kitsune (Self Model): TDA & KitsuneNoKiba

★ Stage (OG MMD): Yu Higuchi???

Microphone: @citro3D

★ Effects:

★ PAToon2.1: P.I.P ★

★ BlackOut, AutoLuminous, ExcellentShadow: Sovoro ★

★ ikClut, ikClut_Soft: Ikeno & KitsuneNoKiba ★

★ PostMovie : Beamman ★

Poses: KitsuneNoKiba

-- Rules --

★ Editing to fit them to other models/using them in motions is fine

★ Don't claim them as your own

★ You can use them for anything just follow the rules of the model/s you use them on.

★ Credit me: ( @ ) KitsuneNoKiba

★ Please show me/link back, I love seeing what creative things you do!

★ Please do NOT redistribute them alone and/or unedited.

© 2025 KitsuneNoKiba
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Let him cook