(The downloadable builds should be working as expected now!)
Dhaal’s Corporate Dungeon is live! This is a big one – I expect I’ll be pushing a hotfix or two tomorrow to clean up rough edges as they’re revealed. Make sure to slap bug reports in the appropriate forum so that we have a unified way to try and communicate with you about them!
Hotfixes Deployed:
- Some of the new keybinding system for the inventory has been fixed up and crashes handled.
- The Farrow facility’s back door now actually opens once hacked, courtesy of lowercase-donkey.
- The Peer & Doll fight is now winnable as intended. When a doll goes down, the peer that owns her will lose interest in the fight. I also fixed an issue in the victory menu (lack of a non-sex leave button.)
- The dolls had the amount of lust damage that needs done lowered.
- Fixed crashing when opening the executive safe. (Thanks, lowercase-donkey)
- Slightly nerfed the rioter fight – reduced accuracy by 5% for most enemies, reduced HPs somewhat, etc.
- Fixed “Still in combat, you ninny!” after losing at the gates.
- Lowercase-Donkey fixed an issue with blueballed PCs who decline Kiro’s help.
- Some button tooltip functionality fixes by Jacques00.
- Fixed “showAuthor” crashes, thanks lowercase-donkey.
- Fixed being able to re-enter the dungeon after claiming the probe. (Thanks, Leek!)
Changelog 0.9.025, 0.9.026 & 0.9.027:
- [Backers] Dhaal’s final dungeon is complete and accessible in game. To get to it, you’ll have to complete the existing party and Feruze ambush events, then wait for an email from the scary shark-girl. You can meet her at the brothel afterward, track down Jack/Jill’s contact, and score the details on where they disappeared to. Then it’s just a matter of hitting up your local Taxi and visiting the new stop!
- Make a save before starting the dungeon: This is one of the more ambitious final dungeons we’ve ever designed. From the get-go, you’re presented with a choice of fights, and that’s thread that follows through the entire experience, all the way to the final boss. There’s an entire floor you can skip depending on your choices – and all these variances are fertile breeding ground for bugs. There may be softlocks. There may be spots that should track an event but don’t. We may change or add to the rewards at the end as we continue to iterate and polish. For that reason, a save-to-file before the dungeon can be a lifesaver – and a quick way to get back in and try an alternate path.
- At least nine new fights added, by my quick reckoning, many of which feature multiple foes.
- Multiple new bad-ends, and plenty of win options as well as a chance to get up-close-and-personal with Feruze in a freight container.
- Fight with Feruze by your side for the entire dungeon.
- Inventory UI controls have been updated! Basic hotkeys for the bottom buttons are present now, and there is a highlighted option you can move up & down with W and S. Moving an item to another column (for dropping – or undropping) can be accomplished with the Q & E keys. Changing the column you have highlighted (for drop and shop UIs) is done with the tab key.
- This is a first, rough pass on this. We will continue to iterate, refine, and improve this system – though I suspect Gedan may need a break from UI hell soon :3
- I don’t fully understand the where, whys, and hows of it, but we had to drop the “double-click to buy” functionality to get the hotkeys going. Hopefully we can bring it back later, but who knows with the hell that is Javascrypt.
- Touch tooltip support should be vastly improved; there’s a new option under gameplay called “Tooltip On Tap”; the first tap of a button that has a tooltip will display the tooltip, the second tap will activate the button. Buttons without a tooltip will immediately activate. This system should have no effect when using mouse input. This should also work with Status Effects. There’s probably more places this can be rolled out to, but I want to make sure it works exactly as intended first; this was kinda tricky to figure out a good way to handle!
- Feruze’s child has a small post-dungeon bit of content, implemented by DrunkZombie.
- Lowercase-Donkey did a lot of the usual under the hood cleaning and rearranging. :donkPog:
- Lots of other fixes and tweaks…
God damn, I know it’s not a competition but you really upstaged the fuck out of CoC2, and within hours no less.
Super excited to see all this new content for both games though, it’s like a slightly early Christmas.
Heh, we’re not really rivals at all. Savin and I were talking about it earlier and he wanted to make sure we got to have top bill on the blog for a bit, since TiTS has gone a while without a huge content drop like this.
Savin even still writes stuff for TiTS every once in a while
Savin did writes for this very dungeon. Plays both sides so they always come out on top.
So the newest patch wont launch, tried a fresh install but it just get the flat blue screen before the splash screen would appear.
Installed the previous version again and booted up just fine.
Same can’t get 9.26 to launch just blue screen.
Getting same bug, game won’t even boot up.
The download build broke. I’m sure it will be fixed soon, but you can play the dungeon in the web version for now.
Glad to see this has come out, but I think I’m going to pass on testing any of this. Karaquest still crashes me, and I just can’t be bothered to make anymore bug reports now or in the near future. Just sort of fatigued on it all. It’s that feeling you get when you really love something, but it just keeps pecking at your sanity sort of thing.
Similar with the mobile version it still doesn’t have working tooltips. I want to play this version but not having those makes it really annoying to play when you cant tell what anything is or what it does.
i found a workaround on mobile. I have a note phone with the stylus and I can hover over the icon with the physical stylus and read any button before pressing. Not sure if a simulated gamepad mouse function would do the same or not but might be worth testing until it gets fixed.
Yeah, the stylus hover on my S-21 Ultra & Galaxy tab S-7 5g brings up the tool tips.
But what also works is the magnetic clamshell case on the S-7 with integrated keyboard and touch pad mouse.
On my previous Nexus 13 and android phones I used an associated Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. Hovering the mouse pointer always brought up the tool tips, never had the problem others described unless I went bare phone or tablet using touch screen only.
A cheap, $25 keyboard and mouse combo from Logitech or Motorola always have new tool tips on hover.
Have = gave
Can’t edit after quickly posting… sorry.
Not to undermine the huge release, but does this include Jasvalla’s bust(s)? Already been a while she’s released and afaik, Adjatha already finished her busts quite a while ago too.
how long does it take to get the quest start ive done everything else for it
Get party invite -> Go to party from taxi -> Leave party -> Use taxi a bit later to get ambushed by Feruze -> wait several days for Feruze’s email -> Open email -> Meet Feruze at brothel -> Discover the contact -> Interact with the contact -> Go to taxi and select the option to start the dungeon with Feruze
So you did all that?
yes I have an I’ve waited for at least 35 in game days and still haven’t got the email
I’m having this same problem. I’ve done every step as listed there but there is no e-mail from Feruze. I’ve waited more than 60 in game days and nothing.
I’m also stuck waiting for Fezure’s email after I’ve fought her, got to 100 ingame days before giving up, any workaround?
Are the peers and dolls supposed to be impossible to beat, or am I just doing something wrong.
I dunno what to do about this fight, and I don’t know if it’s on purpose so I don’t know if a bug report is legitimate, here. Every legitimate tactic has failed so far, and even some cheats aren’t enough.
I beat them if you tease the dolls then the peers I found no other working way so far.
Yeah, that fight had some unsolved problems in it for sure. I’ve tweaked it to be a bit easier and make more sense.
What a morning to wake up too..
I have finished the party, but how do i trigger the Feruze ambush events?
I typed this up for another comment, but this should be the chain:
Get party invite -> Go to party from taxi -> Leave party -> Use taxi a bit later to get ambushed by Feruze -> wait several days for Feruze’s email -> Open email -> Meet Feruze at brothel -> Discover the contact -> Interact with the contact -> Go to taxi and select the option to start the dungeon with Feruze
i’m on turn 100 how do I beat peer a and b and doll a and b
This was insane lmao
Yeah, it took me 78 turns. That fight might need some more tweaking lol
I spent a bit thinking about the puzzle at the safe cause it was too hard, and figured out that you can apply linear algebra to find the solution as a linear combination of the set of possible moves.
The shortest solution I found is ~13 moves.
I checked if this was a known result and turns out it’s the same method as the one people have been using to solve Genshin puzzles.
So if anyone is struggling with it who knows linear algebra, modular arithmetic, and some python programming, you can use that.
Or you can use the plasma cutter.
The problem is just that both options crash the game, so neither gets you anywhere
Ty for report, I was able to find a fix for this and you should see it the next time we patch
Is there any plans for meeting and worshipping the F.I.R.S.T. 14 Overqueen again?
She’s simply one of ma faves here but we only meet her once.
I second that. Hell. Even pregnancy and crew member.
We seriously need a sneklady as crew member.
“Feruze’s child has a small post-dungeon bit of content”
Wait, what? As in the kid you might sire after the fight on Zheng Shi?
I thought when she confronts you on Dhaal she mentioned that the kid was still prenatal (albeit in an artificial womb). How much time is supposed to have passed between that ambush and the dungeon?
There is no way I can answer that without it being a spoiler. If the conditions are met you should get an email 24 hours after finishing the quest. While I unit tested it I did not get a chance to test it once integrated into the quest timeline so please let me know if any bugs occur.
i thought suulas give birth by pairs instead on singulars or is that only for pure breds
Is it just an email or is there more?
Ah now reading it properly.. Will we get more Feruze content in the future? I really like the Suula race.
+1 for Feruze, she’s great
The link for the Android backer build is not the latest version (is 0.9.024).
Yep, there was a kink in the build deployment system – and Gedan wasn’t awake to unkink it.
All should be good now.
The subscribestar android download still downloads the 0.9.024 version.
Please fix the Subscribestar links. Android is still .024
There seem to be a bug with the door hacking minigame. After completing it the event doesn’t progress and I get prompted to hack the door again and again.
We have a fix internally, hopefully hotfixing this soon.
Sorry about that one. This should be fixed with the latest hotfix.
How doo i get to fight the Goopleganger ?
They’re part of the Utopian Skies path. You’ll have to ally with Paragon at the Party if you want to take down that zaibatsu.
I did that path but i did not see them, do i have to go somewhere specific the infilltration to encounter them ?
They’re part of the boss fight, if you choose to go that route.
Ok thanks
Am I missing something I only found like nine unique encounters and fights and only one boss only found three levels of the dungeon with one type of enemy to fight each one. The dungeon seem really small with 2 or 3 unique ways of avoiding fighting those 1 enemie type but just the one boss
The ally you make in the Party event determines which Zaibatsu you are going against. Each one has their own boss fight, events, and Bad Ends.
Just one boss per path, but a couple mini bosses in the dungeon, regardless of which path you take.
I managed to get Brightwater boss which I won but failed everytime on the one with the Goopleganger boss. What’s the other ones?
Goop boss is the Utopian Skies path. The other one is Paragon. Several different routes you can take on that ending as well.
well that sucks i dont have any saves before the party XD
That’s why I have multiple playthroughs.
Did the effect of second wind change? It adds more HP, but not more energy.
Do you have any Soreness? (Sore/Very Sore/Worn Out status.)
Nevermind, I had the thirsty flag
I cant seem to get the message to start the quest I’ve done the party and gotten jumped by the shark what else do you need to do
Same here.Waited for email about twenty days already.
I finished the party. Fairouz attacked me. but I can’t trigger the sequel and when I look in my mission list it just marks me this: ☐ Status: In progress…
┕ Paragon knows something!
Are you a backer?
Ah thank you
I’m one of the old offbeatr backers and I’m in the same situation. I couldn’t get access to the operations deck until it was in the public patch either :/
SO, what’s the potential loot for this dungeon in all of the other paths? got a sweet katana in one…
is the spy supposed to show up again after the initial encounter by the door?
Can we get any perks in the new dungeon and if yes, which ones?
Y’know, seeing that Feruze is always by your side throughout the whole dungeon makes me wonder what could have been were this game had companions. Just saying.
Is there any content with the contact/spy after you have that little interaction with them behind the facility? Aside from the lose/win sex scene, nothing seems to change with the mission itself.
If you believe them then you get in no problem and can crack the safe for the items inside and the contact’s specific item.
If you don’t and win the fight, you can sex them, gain access and grab the item. Which i imagine is the desired path. If you lose, you get sexxed and she bails. She could or could not opt to steal it in the time you were K.O’d? But you get to keep it once more.
Just wondering. Brainstorming, having to beat them off of once you got their item somewhere down the line can lead to a cool bad end potentially. Variation potential even on how you approached them with getting the info for the place. Just handing it over after all the trouble for continuity.
Have i just missed some of the content?
The stuff I got to see was fine, but it doesn’t feel great that a large chunk of content is locked behind which group you got sorted into at the party based on vague dialogue options when the party was released in an update forever ago…
I think for the sake of the current players, it would be better to have the split be a dialogue option of some manner closer to the actual dungeon, at least somewhere in the new stuff that was added in this patch. Otherwise, we’re stuck with digging through and editing save file variables manually or restarting the game and slogging pretty far through content to find Dhaal.
What they said. Thank goodness I had a save file on Zheng Shi.
I’ve done the party and got ambushed by Feruze by using a taxi on Dhaal. I’ve tried waiting for weeks, I still haven’t gotten any email Am I missing anything?
This is a dumb question, but are there any new scenes involving the rival? (Bad ends included)
I don’t believe so. I’ve only done the Paragon Inc path, but at the end Rival just left with Feruzze and said see you on the next planet. He was more interested in getting the hell out of there than anything. Didn’t even have any real dialogue interaction with PC. I expect the other 2 routes are similar.
The bad end for losing to Bright Water and the the one for losing to Paragon both involve your cousin to some degree.
Goopleganger boss seems pretty unbeatable. Does it need to be patched like the office fight or is there a special mechanic I’m just missing?
Any chance that the cheat to reset the Dhaal party will be added back? I’d really like to explore the other paths that the dungeon might have, without having to start a whole new save.
Wait, is the new Una content just gone now? The facesitting button won:t even appear anymore.
God, I hope we get more of Mhorgenn. Her scenes were hot as hell. Definitely keeping a save for before her encounter.
Seconded. Definitely my fav char, and favorite bad end, for this update.
“For that reason, a save-to-file before the dungeon can be a lifesaver – and a quick way to get back in and try an alternate path.”
That’s a wonderful idea! Except the android app doesn’t save to file. At all. The function just does not work. It loads from file just fine, but can’t save to file. It has the correct permissions and everything.
That’s interesting – it works on my Android phone, and even seems to be able to save to my SD card. I wonder why it doesn’t work for you?
I dunno. I’ve tried it on both a tablet and my phone, to rule out something specific to one device. It doesn’t work on either of them. Never has. Both devices are on the older side, though. Android 8.1 for the phone, 5.1 for the tablet. Maybe that has something to do with it?
A bug that I first noticed this patch is that you can no longer gain the perk “Nuki Drunk” while having a nuki score of 4 and eating Nuki Cookies. Please fix.
So, how does one use cheats in the JavaScript build for Android? Also, is Alder working on FoE, or is it lying fallow again?
1. Load a save.
2. Go to the title screen.
3. Tap on the dot of the ‘i’ in TiTS 3 times.
4. Cheats should now be a category in Options.
Ah, the last person who told me to tap the i neglected to say that it was supposed to be on the dot.
So are the little goop guys supposed to be unbeatable?
I got it, just took over a hundred turns.
Subscribestar android link ~still~ broken half a week later. Very frustrating
Any way to get access? This site doesn’t give an option to link the subscribestar account like you can do for patreon as far as I can tell.
Sooo… How grateful will the cousin/rival be for the rescue
Is cloud storage going to become a thing for TITS like it is in COC2?
Damn you folk rock. Never stop! (except for your own well-being) Thought I got a question, have you guys considered switching patreon to subscription billing option that they added in October? Right now buying at any day other than 1st is net loss of money, and subscription would make it instead charge you at the same day of next month instead (with a minor exception for February it seems) (Honestly I cant believe patreon didn’t think to put that in right away, that’s the most sensible subscription plan)
I don’t believe the inventory hotkeys function? I’m pressing all the labelled buttons on my keyboard but it doesn’t do anything in the inventory menu.
Just did the Bright Water LLC mission. It was fun, with a cool boss fight at the end, even if I’m not great with area damage since Khan’s lightning gun got nerfed…
Kind of want to see what the boss of Utopian Skies is like in the route where she’s the main villainess though, since otherwise she *seems* like the least-bad of the three, and the one who approves when you treat people well instead of poorly. Guess I’ll see.
…Turns out I skipped an entire floor of the dungeon. Whoops.
And yep. Figures Utopian Skies is just as rotten to its people as everyone else on Dhaal. Kind of weird how I have more reputation points with them than Bright Water, though…
Well, while I do think her boss fight introduction is currently skipping a page… I do appreciate there is at least *some* complexity to her character, at least during this initial conversation. Tip-toeing very carefully around potential spoilers.
Who is that with the tanks on their backs and the overload visors in the art? I don’t recognize that encounter
Oh, found it lmao
I’d love to meet Harper again in a permanent location, as a recruit, or as a breakable and moddable recruit.
How do you find the password for the computer? or has it not been implented? Or is it considered a bug?
happy thanksgiving
I absolutely love the idea of making a dungeon that is based on your choices who to ally with. Genius, I look forward to making my separate play-through’s once I beat this.
Should Offbeatr backers still be seeing the backer content or has that expired now? The build I can see in the play tab is 0.9.027-PUBLIC#2710
WOOOO. Love Fenexo and Savin content, keep up the good work everyone!
However this presents the question, will there be a Zaika transformative coming(relatively) soon?
I’d like to propose an addition to the general stats under the personal info in the codex. It’d be nice to know who you’ve recruited, not just how many, because at the moment, it’s telling me that I have 13 crew, but only have 12 onboard, but I don’t recall getting 13. I only had to send two of them to Tavros until I could get a bigger ship, and picked them up when I did, so I’m at a total loss as to who the last one is. And, no, it’s not Olympia, since I’m currently using the Sidewinder.
keybindings in the item menus still don’t work for me.
Since we finally have the long awaited Dornacest does that mean we’ll eventually have jillcest too?
so Is there supposed to be a bad end with Marigold? It seemed to me it was supposed to be but assumed it bugged out and didn’t play the scene. Just wondering